Results for « 大言不惭 » (cmn)
天花乱坠, 言过其实+地, 言语夸张, 词藻浮华, 词藻浮华+地, 浮夸+地, 大言不惭+地, 浮夸, 言过其实, 夸夸其谈+地, 夸夸其谈, 大言不惭, 浮华+地, 言语夸张+地, 夸夸 其谈, 浮华, 言语 夸张, 夸张, 夸张+地, 词藻 浮华
grandiloquently, magniloquently
     in a rhetorically grandiloquent manner
07230089-n (1)
吹牛的, 狂吹, 虚张声势, 吹牛, 气焰, 大言不惭, 自吹 的, 自吹的, 雷声大 雨点小
braggadocio, bluster, rodomontade, rhodomontade
     vain and empty boasting


(0.00393 seconds)
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