Results for « 四翅槐 » (cmn)
四翅槐, 四翅槐,纽西兰和智利的灌木或小树,有下垂的总状花序和管状的金黄花,可产硬木豆科灌木 ), 四翅槐树, 四 翅槐 , 纽西兰 和 智利 的 灌木 或 小树 , 有 下垂 的 总状花序 和 管状 的 金黄花 , 可 产 硬木 豆科灌木 ), 四 翅 槐树
kowhai, Sophora tetraptera
     shrub or small tree of New Zealand and Chile having pendulous racemes of tubular golden-yellow flowers; shrub or small tree of New Zealand and Chile having pendulous racemes of tubular golden-yellow flowers; yields a hard strong wood ❲Sophora tetraptera❳


Seen Lemmas: unità operativa; occidentalizzare; you tiao; interpretazione;
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