Results for « 变得复杂 » (cmn)
00955601-v (11)
V1, V2
详细地说明, 变得复杂, 详细 说明, 扩充, 变得 复杂, 细述, 展开, 详细说明, 详细 阐述, 详细阐述, 详述, 详细 地 说明
elaborate, expound, enlarge, flesh out, expand, dilate, lucubrate, expatiate, exposit
     add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing
00400883-v (3)
精心 制作, 变得复杂, 变得 复杂, 使 复杂化, 使复杂化, 变复杂, 推敲, 精心制作, 变 复杂
complicate, refine, elaborate, rarify
     make more complex, intricate, or richer


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