Results for « 先驱 » (cmn)
01686906-a (1)
前卫, 先驱+的, 前卫派, 前卫派+的, 创始+的, 创始, 先驱
avant-garde, daring
     radically new or original
06802571-n (1)
报信者, 先驱, 使者
forerunner, harbinger, predecessor, herald, precursor
     something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone
先驱, 先锋派, 先锋
van, vanguard, avant-garde, new wave
     any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field (especially in the arts)
先驱, 第一 线, 第一线
firing line
     the most advanced and responsible group in an activity
09627117-n (1)
先导, 先驱, 先驱者, 先进者, 前辈
forerunner, precursor
     a person who goes before or announces the coming of another
06209419-n (1)
前锋, 前沿, 先驱, 第一 线, 前线, 第一线
cutting edge, vanguard, forefront
     the position of greatest importance or advancement; the leading position in any movement or field
10434725-n (1)
创始人, 开拓者, 先驱, 先锋, 尖兵, 倡导者, 前驱
pioneer, innovator, trailblazer, groundbreaker
     someone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art
启蒙者, 先驱, 领导人, 领导者
     a leader in a campaign or movement
10434424-n (1)
拓荒者, 先驱, 开辟者, 先锋
     one the first colonists or settlers in a new territory


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