Results for « 低声的怨言 » (cmn)
00909219-v (9)
V1, V2
低声 的 怨言, 出怨言, 出 怨言, 低声的怨言, 发牢骚, 阴郁的抱怨或者嘟哝, 阴郁 的 抱怨 或者 嘟哝
mutter, grumble, croak, murmur, gnarl
     make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath
07211092-n (1)
怨言, 低语, 发牢骚, 低声的怨言, 低声 抱怨, 呻吟, 呢喃, 抱怨, 低声抱怨, 低声 的 怨言
grumbling, murmur, grumble, murmuring, mutter, muttering
     a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone
07386920-n (4)
低语, 低声而言, 低声的怨言, 低声说, 低声 而言, 呢喃, 低语声, 低沉 连续 的 声音, 低沉连续的声音, 低声 的 怨言, 沙沙声
murmur, murmuring, muttering, mutter, murmuration, mussitation
     a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech


Seen Lemmas: café; excogitate;
(0.00393 seconds)
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