Results for « 仓促 » (cmn)
05060189-n (14)
急忙, 匆忙, 匆促, 仓促
haste, hurry, hastiness, hurriedness, precipitation
     overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)
00555648-n (12)
急忙, 匆忙, 赶紧, 匆促, 慌忙, 匆促行事, 仓促, 匆促 行事
rush, haste, hurry, rushing
     the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner
仓促, 草率, 轻率+的, 急躁, 轻率, 草率+的, 仓促+的
precipitous, hasty, overhasty, precipitate, precipitant
     done with very great haste and without due deliberation
14451189-n (7)
匆忙, 赶紧, 仓促, 紧急
hurry, haste, rush
     a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry
00206479-r (10)
急速+地, 急速, 急忙, 匆忙, 匆忙+地, 仓促, 匆匆, 匆匆+地, 急急忙忙
hastily, hurriedly, in haste
     in a hurried or hasty manner
00978581-a (5)
仓促, 匆忙, 匆忙+的, 急跑, 赶紧, 赶紧+的
hurrying, scurrying
     moving with great haste
01270175-a (3)
仓促, 慌忙, 匆忙, 匆忙+的, 慌忙+的, 仓促+的
     moving rapidly or performed quickly or in great haste


Seen Lemmas: rinfrancare; bon;
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