Results for « ?蛇 » (cmn)
蝰蛇, 一种毒蛇, 欧洲产 的 小 毒蛇, 腹蛇, 腹 蛇, 一 种 毒蛇, 蝮蛇, 欧洲产的小毒蛇
adder, common viper, Vipera berus
     small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia ❲Vipera berus❳
鼠 蛇, 有 环纹 的 一 种 陆生 蛇 , 栖息 於 北美 西部 乾燥 或 半 乾燥 的 区域, 鼠蛇, 有环纹的一种陆生蛇,栖息於北美西部乾燥或半乾燥的区域
ground snake, Sonora semiannulata
     small shy brightly-ringed terrestrial snake of arid or semiarid areas of western North America ❲Sonora semiannulata❳
滑蛇, 亚利桑那 蛇 属, 滑 蛇, 亚利桑那州, 亚利桑那蛇属
Arizona, genus Arizona
     glossy snake ❲Arizona❳
蝰蛇, 加彭澎?, 加彭 澎 ?
gaboon viper, Bitis gabonica
     large heavy-bodied brilliantly marked and extremely venomous west African viper ❲Bitis gabonica❳
乳蛇, 奶昔, 黑边乳蛇
milk snake, house snake, milk adder, checkered adder, Lampropeltis triangulum
     nonvenomous tan and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped occipital spot; nonvenomous tan and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped occipital spot; southeastern ones have red stripes like coral snakes ❲Lampropeltis triangulum❳
water snake
     any of various mostly harmless snakes that live in or near water
王蛇, 王蟒
king snake, kingsnake
     any of numerous nonvenomous North American constrictors; feed on other snakes and small mammals
锦 蛇, 锦蛇, 黄颔蛇
California whipsnake, striped racer, Masticophis lateralis
     a whipsnake of scrublands and rocky hillsides ❲Masticophis lateralis❳
鞭 蛇, 鞭蛇
whip-snake, whip snake, whipsnake
     any of several small fast-moving snakes with long whiplike tails
一种毒蛇, 环蛇, 一 种 毒蛇, 金环蛇
     brightly colored venomous but nonaggressive snake of southeastern Asia and Malay peninsula
水蛇, 游蛇
common water snake, banded water snake, Natrix sipedon, Nerodia sipedon
     in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia; in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia; western United States snake that seldom ventures far from water ❲Natrix sipedon, Nerodia sipedon❳
沙蛇, 小型的北美洞蛇, 小型 的 北美 洞 蛇
sand snake
     small North American burrowing snake
海蛇, 海蛇科
Hydrophidae, family Hydrophidae
     sea snakes ❲Hydrophidae❳
鞭 蛇, 鞭 蛇 属, 鞭蛇, 鞭蛇属
Masticophis, genus Masticophis
     whip snakes ❲Masticophis❳
牛蛇, 牛 蛇
bull snake, bull-snake
     any of several large harmless rodent-eating North American burrowing snakes
牛蛇, 牛蛇属, 牛 蛇
Pituophis, genus Pituophis
     bull snakes ❲Pituophis❳
01735898-n (1)
线 蛇 属, 线 蛇, 线蛇属, 线蛇
Tropidoclonion, genus Tropidoclonion
     lined snakes ❲Tropidoclonion❳
     any of several chiefly tropical constrictors with vestigial hind limbs
毒蛇, 角蝰, 角奎
asp, Egyptian cobra, Naja haje
     cobra used by the Pharaohs as a symbol of their power over life and death ❲Naja haje❳
蠕蛇, 蠕形壳蛇, 蠕形 壳 蛇
thunder snake, worm snake, Carphophis amoenus
     small reddish wormlike snake of eastern United States ❲Carphophis amoenus❳
01735189-n (2)
草蛇, 草 蛇, 束带蛇
garter snake, grass snake
     any of numerous nonvenomous longitudinally-striped viviparous North American and Central American snakes
水 游蛇, 水蛇, 水游蛇, 游蛇, 环带 游蛇, 环带游蛇
ring snake, grass snake, ringed snake, Natrix natrix
     harmless European snake with a bright yellow collar; harmless European snake with a bright yellow collar; common in England ❲Natrix natrix❳
海蛇, 海蛇怪
sea serpent
     huge creature of the sea resembling a snake or dragon
蠕形壳蛇属, 蠕形 壳 蛇 属, 雷 蛇, 雷蛇
Carphophis, genus Carphophis
     thunder snake ❲Carphophis❳
游蛇属, 水蛇
Natrix, genus Natrix
     water snakes; water snakes; a cosmopolitan genus ❲Natrix❳
美国 南部 的 一 种 树 蛇, 美国南部的一种树蛇, 蔓蛇
vine snake
     slender arboreal snake found from southern Arizona to Bolivia
01744401-n (2)
大 蟒蛇, 非洲岩蟒, 非洲 岩蟒, 环蛇, 大蟒蛇
rock python, rock snake, Python sebae
     very large python of tropical and southern Africa ❲Python sebae❳
01736032-n (1)
美国中部的线蛇, 线 蛇, 线蛇, 美国 中部 的 线蛇
lined snake, Tropidoclonion lineatum
     secretive snake of city dumps and parks as well as prairies and open woods; feeds on earthworms; secretive snake of city dumps and parks as well as prairies and open woods; feeds on earthworms; of central United States ❲Tropidoclonion lineatum❳
01743086-n (18)
巨蟒, 大蛇, 蚺蛇, 安纳康达, 森蚺, 大水蟒, 蟒蛇
anaconda, Eunectes murinus
     large arboreal boa of tropical South America ❲Eunectes murinus❳
鼠 蛇, 鼠蛇, 食鸡蛇
chicken snake
     large North American snake
虎头蛇, 盾鳞棘 背 蛇, 盾鳞棘背蛇, 虎蛇
tiger snake, Notechis scutatus
     highly venomous brown-and-yellow snake of Australia and Tasmania ❲Notechis scutatus❳
非洲 眼镜蛇, 唾蛇, 非洲产眼镜蛇之一种, 南非产)粗皮小眼镜蛇, 南非 产 ) 粗 皮 小 眼镜蛇, 非洲眼镜蛇, 非洲 产 眼镜蛇 之 一 种
ringhals, rinkhals, spitting snake, Hemachatus haemachatus
     highly venomous snake of southern Africa able to spit venom up to seven feet ❲Hemachatus haemachatus❳
01754190-n (1)
铜头 蝮蛇, 蕲蛇, 铜头蝮蛇
Ancistrodon, Agkistrodon, genus Agkistrodon, genus Ancistrodon
     a genus of snakes commonly known as copperheads or moccasins ❲Ancistrodon, Agkistrodon❳
火精灵, 火 精灵, 火蜥蜴, 火蛇
     reptilian creature supposed to live in fire
砂蛇, 砂 蛇, 沙蛇属
Chilomeniscus, genus Chilomeniscus
     sand snakes ❲Chilomeniscus❳
01742172-n (6)
巨蟒, 大蟒, 王蛇, 蟒蛇
boa constrictor, Constrictor constrictor
     very large boa of tropical America and West Indies
吃 鼠 的 蛇, 鼠 蛇, 鼠蛇, 吃鼠的蛇
rat snake
     any of various nonvenomous rodent-eating snakes of North America and Asia
琴蛇属, 琴蛇, 三脊齿象属
Trimorphodon, genus Trimorphodon
     lyre snakes ❲Trimorphodon❳
牛蛇, 北美 西部 牛 蛇, 北美西部牛蛇, 牛 蛇
gopher snake, Pituophis melanoleucus
     bull snake of western North America that invades rodent burrows ❲Pituophis melanoleucus❳
蛇崇拜, 祭 蛇, 祭蛇
ophiolatry, serpent-worship
     the worship of snakes
青蛇, 非洲绿蛇, 非洲 绿 蛇
green snake
     any of numerous African colubrid snakes
盲蛇, 盲蛇科
Typhlopidae, family Typhlopidae
     blind snakes ❲Typhlopidae❳
巨蟒, 蟒蛇
carpet snake, Python variegatus, Morelia spilotes variegatus
     Australian python with a variegated pattern on its back ❲Python variegatus❳
虎蛇, 盾鳞棘背蛇属, 盾鳞棘 背 蛇 属
Notechis, genus Notechis
     tiger snakes ❲Notechis❳
海蛇, 蛇婆
sea snake
     any of numerous venomous aquatic viviparous snakes having a fin-like tail; of warm littoral seas; feed on fish which they immobilize with quick-acting venom
鼠 蛇, 鼠蛇, 游蛇的一种, 游蛇 的 一 种
Haldea, genus Haldea
     ground snakes ❲Haldea❳
美西 和 墨西哥 的 夜行 蛇类, 美西和墨西哥的夜行蛇类, 夜 蛇, 夜蛇
night snake, Hypsiglena torquata
     nocturnal prowler of western United States and Mexico ❲Hypsiglena torquata❳
01743605-n (3)
巨蟒, , 蟒蛇
     large Old World boas
青蛇, 翠青蛇
green snake, grass snake
     either of two North American chiefly insectivorous snakes that are green in color
黑绳 蛇 属, 游蛇, 黑绳蛇属
Coluber, genus Coluber
     racers ❲Coluber❳
鼠 蛇, 鼠蛇, 游蛇的一种, 游蛇 的 一 种
Potamophis, genus Potamophis
     ground snakes ❲Potamophis❳
向导 黑 锦 蛇, 向导黑锦蛇, 黑蛇
blacksnake, black rat snake, pilot blacksnake, mountain blacksnake, Elaphe obsoleta
     large harmless shiny black North American snake ❲Elaphe obsoleta❳
似蛇, 像蛇, 似 蛇, , 像蛇+的, 像 蛇, 似蛇+的, 蛇+的
     [in zoology] of or related to or resembling a snake
鞭 蛇, 鞭蛇, 马鞭蛇
coachwhip, coachwhip snake, Masticophis flagellum
     a whipsnake of southern United States and Mexico; a whipsnake of southern United States and Mexico; tail resembles a braided whip ❲Masticophis flagellum❳
牛蛇, 松林 间 的 蛇, 松林间的蛇, 牛 蛇
pine snake
     any of several bull snakes of eastern and southeastern United States found chiefly in pine woods; now threatened
黑脸色的, 黑脸色 的, 黑蛇
blacksnake, black racer, Coluber constrictor
     blackish racer of the eastern United States that grows to six feet ❲Coluber constrictor❳
蝰蛇, 毒蛇
     venomous Old World snakes characterized by hollow venom-conducting fangs in the upper jaw
琴蛇, 美国 中西部 山区 的 一 种 毒蛇 , 头上 有 弦状 花纹, 美国中西部山区的一种毒蛇,头上有弦状花纹
lyre snake
     mildly venomous snake with a lyre-shaped mark on the head; found in rocky areas from southwestern United States to Central America
?蛇, 蝰蛇属, ? 蛇
Bitis, genus Bitis
     a genus of Viperidae ❲Bitis❳
盲蛇, 细盲蛇
worm snake, blind snake
     wormlike burrowing snake of warm regions having vestigial eyes


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