13497135-n 'a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important';
Czech rozšiřování , zvětšení , zvětšování
Chinese (simplified) 增多 , 增大 , 增量 , 增加 , 增值 , 增长 , 生长
English increase 7 ( ) , growth 3 ( ) , increment ( )
Indonesian tambahan , penambahan , peningkatan , bertambah , pertumbuhan , meningkatnya , kenaikan , membanyakkan , tokokan , pertambahan , tambah
Italian accrescimento , incremento , aumento , crescita
Japanese 膨脹 , 伸び , 伸張 , 加重 , 伸暢 , 加増 , 伸長 , 増加 , 増大 , 増嵩 , 増殖 , 増し , 延び , 累加 , 増進 , 拡張 , , 上昇
Malaysian tambahan , bertambah , pertumbuhan , meningkatnya , kenaikan , membanyakkan , pertambahan , tambah
失業者の増大; 人口の増加
a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important
the increase in unemployment; the growth of population
Hyponym: proliferation accession population_growth pullulation accretion accretion accretion multiplication relaxation widening accretion
Hypernym: process
Antonym: decrease decrease
Semantic Field: processn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>