01825671-a 'having great power or force or potency or effect';
Czech silný , mocný
Chinese (simplified) 强大 , 有权力 , 有权力+的 , 强大+的 , 强有力 , 强有力+的 , 有 势力 , 有 权力 , 有势力+的 , 有势力
English powerful 18 ( )
Indonesian perkasa , bertenaga , manjur , kuat , yang berkuasa , besar lengan , berpengaruh , berkuasa tinggi
Italian poderoso , possente , potente , robusto , vigoroso
Japanese 強烈 , 多力 , 強勢 , 強力 , 強い , 屈強 , 豪然たる , 精強 , パワフル , 力強い , 有力
Malaysian perkasa , bertenaga , kuat , yang berkuasa , berkeupayaan tinggi , berpengaruh , berkuasa tinggi
having great power or force or potency or effect
the most powerful government in western Europe; his powerful arms; a powerful bomb; the horse's powerful kick; powerful drugs
西ヨーロッパで最も強力な政府; 彼のたくましい腕; 強力な爆弾; 馬の強力な蹴り; 強力な薬
See also: strong effective potent
Attributes: power
Similar to: mighty puissant compelling muscular almighty potent regnant regent coercive 70100043-a
Antonym: powerless
Semantic Field: alla
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Seen Lemmas: retaliate; jasan;
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