01334398-a 'having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree';
Czech inteligentní
Chinese (simplified) 智能 , 有 才智 , 有 智慧 , 有智慧+的 , 聪明 , 有智慧 , 聪明+的 , 聪慧 , 有才智
English intelligent 4 ( )
Indonesian tajam otak , terang akal , berakal , bijak , cemerlang , tajam pikiran , cerdas , cerdik , inteligen , encer , pintar , pandai
Italian intelligente
Japanese インテリジェント , 賢しい , 利口 , 怜悧 , 悧巧 , 賢い , 賢明 , 明敏 , 英明 , 穎悟 , 明達 , 聡明 , 聡慧 , 悧発 , 利根 , 利発 , 利巧
Malaysian terang akal , berakal , tajam akal , bijak , cemerlang , cerdas , cerdik , inteligen , pintar , pandai
having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree
is there intelligent life in the universe?; an intelligent question
宇宙の中に知的生命体がいますか?; 知的な質問
See also: smart precocious
Attributes: intelligence
Similar to: brainy apt searching prehensile scintillating agile quick bright natural
Antonym: unintelligent
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>