Results for « 震颤 » (cmn)
01891638-v (8)
V1, V2
发抖, 震颤, 颤栗, 颤抖, 哆嗦, 震动
shake, judder
     shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively
01888511-v (4)
发抖, 震颤, 战栗, 颤栗, 颤抖, 哆嗦
     move or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways
07520112-n (5)
发抖, 震颤, 战栗, 颤抖, 哆嗦, 颤栗
thrill, chill, quiver, shudder, shiver, tingle, frisson
     an almost pleasurable sensation of fright
00348801-n (2)
颤动, 发抖, 震动, 震颤, 战栗
tremor, shudder
     an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear)
01888946-v (8)
发抖, 震颤, 颤栗, 颤抖, 哆嗦
shiver, shudder, thrill, throb
     tremble convulsively, as from fear or excitement
00867983-n (1)
发抖, 震颤, 颤抖, 哆嗦, 颤栗
shiver, shake, tremble
     a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement


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