Results for « 身份 » (cmn)
13945919-n (32)
身份, 地位, 职位, 职务
status, position
     the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society
13947645-n (2)
身份, 地位, 职位
place, station
     proper or designated social situation
13948136-n (3)
身份, 地位, 名望
     social or financial or professional status or reputation
04743024-n (2)
身份, 恒等, 同一, 个性, 相同, 身分
identity, identicalness, indistinguishability
     exact sameness
04618070-n (12)
身份, 特性, 个性
identity, personal identity, individuality
     the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity


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