Results for « 胜任 » (cmn)
00510050-a (7)
胜任, 有能力, 胜任+的, 有能力+的
     properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient
01911053-a (2)
胜任, 合格, 合格+的, 有资格, 胜任+的, 有资格+的
     meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task
02080937-a (1)
胜任, 过得去, 过得去+的, 合格, 尚可, 合格+的, 胜任+的, 尚可+的
adequate, passable, fair to middling, tolerable
     about average; acceptable
05153520-n (7)
胜任, 资格, 能力
competence, competency
     the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually


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