Results for « 细想 » (cmn)
02419434-a (9)
沉思+的, 默想+的, 冥想, 爱默想+的, 冥想+的, 盘算, 沉思, 细想, 细想+的, 爱默想, 默想, 盘算+的
reflective, brooding, pensive, contemplative, meditative, broody, musing, pondering, ruminative
     deeply or seriously thoughtful
00630380-v (48)
考虑, 冥思苦想, 沉思, 思考, 细想, 仔细考虑, 默想
reflect, muse, ponder, meditate, think over, chew over, contemplate, mull, speculate, excogitate, mull over, ruminate
     reflect deeply on a subject
05784831-n (17)
深思, 考虑, 思考, 细想
     the process of giving careful thought to something


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