Results for « 精神错乱 » (cmn)
02074092-a (11)
精神病+的, 精神错乱, 精神病, 精神错乱+的, 疯狂+的, 疯狂, 患精神病+的, 精神失常, 精神失常+的, 患精神病
     afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement
精神错乱, , 疯病
folly, craziness, foolishness, madness
     the quality of being rash and foolish
发疯+的, 古怪, 古怪+的, 癫狂+的, 发疯, 发狂, 乖张反常, 乖张反常+的, 精神错乱, 癫狂, 精神错乱+的, 疯狂+的, 疯狂, 发狂+的
buggy, balmy, dotty, haywire, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, cracked, crackers, daft, fruity, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, around the bend, wacky, whacky
     informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
失衡, 精神错乱, 疯狂
derangement, unbalance, mental unsoundness
     a state of mental disturbance and disorientation
02076234-a (1)
精神错乱, 疯+的, , 疯癫, 精神错乱+的, 疯狂+的, 疯狂, 患精神病+的, 疯癫+的, 患精神病
lunatic, moonstruck
     insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon
精神错乱, 说胡话, 神志昏迷, 谵妄
     a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations
02075737-a (3)
极端愚蠢, 白痴+的, 极端愚蠢+的, 精神错乱, 白痴, 精神错乱+的
idiotic, crackbrained
     insanely irresponsible
02077469-a (1)
精神病+的, 精神错乱, 精神病, 精神错乱+的, 患精神病+的, 患精神病
     [in medicine] characteristic of or suffering from psychosis


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