Results for « 监禁 » (cmn)
03592245-n (3)
监牢, 监禁, 监狱
jail, jailhouse, gaol, clink, slammer, poky, pokey
     a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)
     imprisonment (especially for a long time)
13937284-n (1)
拘禁, 拘留, 牢房, 坐牢, 监禁, 监狱, 监禁室
prison house, prison
     a prisonlike situation; a place of seeming confinement
02494356-v (4)
下狱, 囚禁, 拘禁, 关押, 监禁, 幽闭,
imprison, jail, jug, put away, remand, lag, incarcerate, immure, put behind bars, gaol, bang up, confine, cloister, lock up
     [in law] lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
13999663-n (1)
拘留, 监禁, 扣押
custody, hold, detention, detainment
     a state of being confined (usually for a short time)
13999206-n (2)
下狱, 囚禁, 关押, 奴役, 监禁, 束缚
captivity, imprisonment, incarceration, immurement
     the state of being imprisoned


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