Results for « 现实 » (cmn)
01979985-a (1)
现实主义, 自然+的, 现实, 写实主义, 自然主义+的, 自然主义, 现实+的, 写实主义+的, 自然, 现实主义+的
realistic, naturalistic
     representing what is real; not abstract or ideal
13955461-n (16)
真实性, 现实
reality, realism, realness
     the state of being actual or real
05809878-n (52)
世界, 现实, 个人生活的全部
world, reality, circle
     all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you
13954818-n (4)
真实, 现实, 实在, 现实存在
     the state of actually existing objectively
01933520-a (8)
真实, 实际, 现实, 实际+的, 真实+的, 现实+的
     taking place in reality; not pretended or imitated
现行的, 现在的, 现实, 现时的
actual, present
     being or existing at the present moment
01939984-a (10)
现实, 现实+的, 逼真, 逼真+的
     aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are


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