Results for « 清澈 » (cmn)
00431774-a (5)
清晰, 透明, 清澈, 清澈+的, 透明+的, 清晰+的, 水晶, 水晶+的, 粼粼
transparent, crystalline, limpid, lucid, pellucid, crystal clear, clear, diaphanous, see-through
     transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity
00432453-a (1)
明亮, 透明, 清澈, 清澄, 清澈+的, 清澄+的, 透明+的, 明亮+的
liquid, limpid
     clear and bright
00431447-a (4)
明朗, 明亮, 清晰, 清澈, 清澈+的, 清晰+的, 明朗+的, 明亮+的
     allowing light to pass through


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