Results for « 橄榄球 » (cmn)
00468480-n (9)
球类运动, 足球, 橄榄球
football, football game
     any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal
英式橄榄球, 橄榄球
rugby, rugby football, rugger
     a form of football played with an oval ball
美式橄榄球, 美式橄榄球比赛, 美式足球, 橄榄球
American football, American football game
     a game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long; teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) plays
03378765-n (2)
football, American football, gridiron, gridiron football
     the inflated oblong ball used in playing American football


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