Results for « 服装 » (cmn)
03859958-n (1)
穿着, 服装, 装束
outfit, turnout, rig, getup
     a set of clothing (with accessories)
03113657-n (7)
剧装, 戏装, 服装
     the attire worn in a play or at a fancy dress ball
02728440-n (44)
衣裳, 衣服, 服装, 服饰
clothes, apparel, wearing apparel, dress
     clothing in general
02756098-n (7)
穿衣, 打扮, 衣着, 服装
dress, attire, garb
     clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
03236735-n (15)
连衣裙, 女服, 服装, 女裙衫, 著装, 着装
dress, frock
     a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice


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