Results for « 时代 » (cmn)
时代, 地质时代
period, geological period
     a unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed
15248564-n (19)
时代, 时期, 纪元, 年代,
era, epoch, age, period
     a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event
15254028-n (23)
时代, 历史时代, 时期
age, historic period
     an era of history having some distinctive feature
15249236-n (7)
时代, 时期
     an era of existence or influence
15113229-n (105)
时代, 期间, 时期, 阶段, , 一段时间
period, period of time, time period
     an amount of time


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