Results for « 懒惰 » (cmn)
14010148-n (1)
不活泼, 懒惰, 休止状态, 不活动, 静止
inaction, inactivity, inactiveness
     the state of being inactive
00294579-a (6)
懒散+的, 怕工作, , 无所事事+的, 懒惰, 懒散, 怠惰, 无所事事, 懒惰+的, 怕工作+的, 怠惰+的
indolent, lazy, faineant, otiose, slothful, work-shy
     disinclined to work or exertion
00361781-r (3)
懒散+地, 懒洋洋, 无所事事+地, 懒惰, 懒散, 懒惰+地, 无所事事, 懒洋洋+地
idly, lazily
     in an idle manner
sloth, laziness, acedia
     apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins)
懒惰, 树懒
sloth, tree sloth
     any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits
10197967-n (2)
懒惰, 懒汉, 懒鬼
idler, bum, loafer, do-nothing, layabout, yob, yobbo, lout, bumpkin, footler
     person who does no work


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