Results for « 富裕 » (cmn)
丰富+地, 富裕+地, 富裕, 丰富, 丰裕地
sumptuously, opulently
     in a sumptuous and opulent manner
14491271-n (6)
富有, 富裕
wealth, wealthiness
     the state of being rich and affluent; having a plentiful supply of material goods and money
02022556-a (2)
手头宽裕+的, 手头宽裕, 有钱+的, 富有+的, 富有, 富裕+的, 富裕, 有钱
prosperous, easy, comfortable, well-off, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-situated, well-to-do, loaded, flush, affluent, wealthy
     in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
14491625-n (4)
affluence, richness
     abundant wealth
奢侈, 丰富+地, 奢侈+地, 富裕+地, 豪华+地, 富裕, 豪华, 丰富
richly, high, luxuriously
     in a rich manner
00397016-r (3)
充分+地, 丰富+地, 充足, 充分, 充足+地, 富裕+地, 富裕, 丰富
amply, richly
     to an ample degree or in an ample manner
02022167-a (3)
极富有, 钱很多+的, 有钱+的, 富有+的, 钱很多, 富有, 极富有+的, , 富+的, 富裕+的, 富裕, 有钱
wealthy, loaded, flush, affluent, moneyed
     having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value


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