Results for « 实践 » (cmn)
02568672-v (42)
实践, 实行, 行使
do, exercise, practice, practise
     carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions
00411048-n (3)
实践, 实行, 实现
practice, praxis
     translating an idea into action
01940651-a (2)
实践+的, 务实, 实践, 实际, 务实+的, 实际+的, 讲究实际, 讲究实际+的
practical, pragmatic, hardheaded, hard-nosed, functional, utilitarian, realistic, down-to-earth
     guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory
00894552-n (8)
实践, 实行, 练习, 锻炼, 演习, 行使, 运用, 习题, 操练, 演练, 训练
practice, exercise, practice session, drill, recitation
     systematic training by multiple repetitions


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