Results for « 地瓜 » (cmn)
地萝卜, 凉薯, 地瓜, 豆薯, 土瓜, 沙葛
yam bean, Pachyrhizus erosus
     Central American twining plant with edible roots and pods; large tubers are eaten raw or cooked especially when young and young pods must be thoroughly cooked; pods and seeds also yield rotenone and oils
地瓜, 甘薯, 红芋, 白芋, 白薯, 红薯, 红苕, 山芋, 番薯
sweet potato, sweet potato vine, Ipomoea batatas
     pantropical vine widely cultivated in several varieties for its large sweet tuberous root with orange flesh
地萝卜, 凉薯, 地瓜, 豆薯, 土瓜, 沙葛
potato bean, yam bean, Pachyrhizus tuberosus
     twining plant of Amazon basin having large edible roots


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