Results for « 历史 » (cmn)
02377418-a (1)
历史+的, 历史, 史实+的, 史实
diachronic, historical
     [in language] used of the study of a phenomenon (especially language) as it changes through time
06514093-n (38)
记录, 历史, 编年史, 历史记录, 经历, 记事
history, account, story, chronicle, tale
     [in history] a record or narrative description of past events
15121406-n (49)
历史, , 过去发生的事, 过去
history, past
     the aggregate of past events
01934284-a (5)
历史+的, 历史, 历史上, 历史上+的
     having once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary
02920121-a (11)
史学+的, 历史研究+的, 历史研究, 历史+的, 史学, 历史
     of or relating to the study of history


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