Results for « 信仰 » (cmn)
05941423-n (19)
信心, 信仰, 信条, 相信
     any cognitive content held as true
05946687-n (87)
宗教信仰, 信赖, 信念, 信心, 信义, 信仰, 信教, 信条
religion, faith, religious belief
     a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
01783158-a (3)
宗教, 笃信宗教的, 虔诚, 宗教性+的, 宗教+的, 宗教性, 虔诚+的, 信仰
     having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity
05916739-n (62)
信仰, 信教
feeling, impression, notion, belief, opinion
     a vague idea in which some confidence is placed


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