Results for « レス » (jpn)
10182913-n (1)
同性愛者, ホモセクシャル, ゲイ, レス
homosexual, homo, homophile, gay, queen, fag, dyke, faggot, fruit, fairy, company man, nance, pansy, queer, lesbian, pederast, sodomite, bugger, moffie, light in the loafers, This section is divided into two tables, nancy, and that some of the derogatory ones are often used humorously and non-derogatorily by gays and alli, one containing synonyms that generally are not derogatory and one containing those that generally ar, flamer, note that the non-derogatory terms can nonetheless be used derogatorily, butt-bumper, lesbo, invert, sapphist, muff-diver, pole-smoker, nancy boy, fudge-packer, batty-boy, turkey-baster
     同性愛を行う誰か; 同性の人に性的な魅力を持つこと
06746005-n (56)
レスポンス, 受け答え, リスポンス, 報答, 返し, 応答, 復答, 回申, 回答, 回章, 応え, 返答, 返書, 言承け, 受答え, 言承, 返り事, 返事, 返信, 返り言, 返辞, 答申, レス, 答え, 答弁書, 答弁, 答酬, , リプライ, 応酬, 受答, アンサー
answer, reply, response


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