Results for « ugutan » (ind)
14543231-n (24)
ugutan, ancaman
threat, menace
     sesuatu yang menjadi suatu sumber bahaya
07226015-n (4)
ugutan, ancaman
     a warning that something unpleasant is imminent
ugutan, pemerasan, paksaan
extortion, blackmailing
     the felonious act of extorting money (as by threats of violence)
06733476-n (4)
ugutan, ancaman, amaran
     declaration of an intention or a determination to inflict harm on another
01222477-n (2)
ugutan, gertak, intimidasi
intimidation, bullying
     the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something
10702615-n (1)
ugutan, ancaman
terror, scourge, threat
     a person who inspires fear or dread


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