Results for « teguh » (ind)
00711308-a (2)
keras, teguh
stern, exacting, strict
     severe and unremitting in making demands
02275412-a (1)
tegap, kukuh, kuat, teguh, kokoh
solid, substantial, strong
     of good quality and condition; solidly built
kekal, kukuh, ketat, teguh, lekat
     resistant to destruction or fading
01990653-a (15)
tegas, tegap, kukuh, teguh, tetap
firm, unshakable, unfaltering, unwavering, steadfast, stiff, steady, unbendable
     marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
02327569-a (2)
keras, kukuh, teguh, nekad, degil, ngotot
dogged, tenacious, persistent, dour, unyielding, pertinacious
     stubbornly unyielding
00350461-v (15)
berkeras, kanjang, cekal, bersungguh-sungguh, tekun, tabah, gigih, berpegang, teguh, bertahan, bertekun
persist, hang on, hold on, persevere, hang in
     be persistent, refuse to stop
kukuh, teguh
sound, reasoned, well-grounded
     logically valid
02273838-a (3)
     financially secure and functioning well
00593071-a (11)
persistent, relentless, unrelenting
01785341-a (13)
garang, teguh
grim, relentless, stern, inexorable, unrelenting, unforgiving, unappeasable
     not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty
00842199-a (6)
sasa, keras, kukuh, bagas, kuat, erat, teguh, sali, ulet, kental, terganjal
firm, strong
     strong and sure
02094388-a (2)
kukuh, erat, teguh
     securely established
setia, taat, teguh, setiawan, kental
fast, firm, loyal, truehearted
     unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
00988077-a (2)
gempal, kukuh, gemuk, teguh
stout, portly
     euphemisms for `fat'
02448437-a (9)
tegas, liat, keras, gigih, kuat, tahan lasak, teguh, ganyar, gayal, degil, kencang, ulet, berat, gagah, derana
     not given to gentleness or sentimentality
02526124-a (1)
kuat, teguh, sali, ulet, gagah
impregnable, inviolable, unassailable, strong, secure, unattackable
     immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
02005756-a (1)
teguh, lama, sali, ulet, kokoh
retentive, long, tenacious, recollective
     good at remembering
00818974-v (59)
V1, V2
berkeras, mendesak, teguh, menunjukkan, mendesakkan, memaksa
insist, take a firm stand
     be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge
00707795-a (2)
tegap, kuat, teguh
tough, sturdy
     substantially made or constructed
02037708-a (1)
tegap, kuat, tahan lasak, teguh, gagah
     sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction
00583581-a (2)
setia, karib, kuat, akrab, teguh
staunch, steadfast, unswerving
     firm and dependable especially in loyalty
terpaku, kukuh, ketat, teguh, lekat, kaku
fast, firm, immobile, tight, stuck, stable, secure
     securely fixed in place
02290998-a (6)
mantap, kukuh, stabil, teguh
     resistant to change of position or condition
02275209-a (1)
mantap, utuh, teguh
     in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay
02130272-a (4)
muktamad, tegas, kukuh, teguh, tetap
     not subject to revision or change
02291336-a (2)
mantap, kukuh, stabil, teguh, tetap
firm, steady, unfluctuating
     not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall
05191832-n (1)
teguh, keteguhan
strength, persuasiveness
     the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty


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