Results for « supply » (eng)
02338975-v (1)
provision, purvey, supply, victual      supply with provisions
01182709-v (33)
provide, cater, supply, ply      give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance
01057200-n (6)
provision, supply, supplying      the activity of supplying or providing something
01027174-v (69)
add, supply, append      state or say further
02327200-v (352)
provide, supply, furnish, render      give something useful or necessary to
01688256-v (5)
portray, depict, limn, turn in, generate, deliver, draw, give, render, point, translate, return, provide, show up, yield, visualize, visualise, figure, read, interpret, record, establish, describe, prove, demonstrate, show, shew, submit, project, designate, register, indicate, present, evidence, express, evince, testify, supply, envision, fancy, picture, image, exhibit, usher, fork out      [in art] make a portrait of
13563522-n (4)
supply      offering goods and services for sale
02479323-v (20)
issue, supply      circulate or distribute or equip with
13777344-n (21)
supply      an amount of something available for use
13367070-n (9)
store, fund, stock, supply      a supply of something available for future use


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