Results for « struggle » (eng)
01921772-v (14)
clamber, scramble, struggle, sputter, skin, shin, shinny, shinny ''US''      climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
00788973-n (24)
struggle, battle      an energetic attempt to achieve something
00621627-n (18)
effort, exertion, elbow grease, travail, sweat, struggle      use of physical or mental energy; hard work
01505058-v (7)
struggle      to exert strenuous effort against opposition
01090335-v (114)
V1, V2
fight, struggle, contend      be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight
00958896-n (17)
struggle, conflict, battle      an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals)
00622068-n (1)
struggle      strenuous effort
02407338-v (21)
struggle, fight      make a strenuous or labored effort


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