Results for « store » (eng)
13367070-n (9)
store, fund, stock, supply      a supply of something available for future use
03744276-n (4)
memory, store, storage, computer memory, computer storage, memory board      an electronic memory device
04329190-n (4)
storehouse, storage, store, depot, entrepot      a depository for goods
02282506-v (11)
store      find a place for and put away for storage
04202417-n (34)
store, shop, boutique, retail outlet      a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services
00998886-v (4)
write, save, store      [in computer_science] record data on a computer
02281093-v (19)
store, put in, salt away, hive away, lay in, stack away, stash away      keep or lay aside for future use


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