Results for « sick » (eng)
00076400-v (3)
vomit, retch, throw up, purge, vomit up, cast, sick, cat, be sick, disgorge, regorge, puke, barf, spew, spue, chuck, upchuck, honk, regurgitate      eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
01806677-a (10)
tired of, disgusted, sick, fed up, sick of      having a strong distaste from surfeit
sick      deeply affected by a strong feeling
02541302-a (12)
sick, ill, sickly, poorly, unwell, not well      affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function
02545689-a (9)
sick, nauseated, sickish, queasy, nauseous      feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit
07950418-n (1)
sick      people who are sick
02325984-a (11)
pale, wan, pallid, sick      (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble
02075321-a (21)
mad, crazy, sick, unbalanced, disturbed, brainsick, demented, unhinged, off the chain      affected with madness or insanity
00195684-a (12)
grim, ghastly, gruesome, macabre, grisly, sick      shockingly repellent; inspiring horror


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