Results for « serempak » (ind)
00151755-r (7)
serempak, serentak
on the whole, all in all, altogether, tout ensemble
     dari ujung kaki sampai ke ujung rambut
kerukunan, serempak, kesesuaian, keselarasan
     bersesuaian dengan tepat sekali
02112108-a (8)
cooperative, concerted, conjunctive, conjunct
     involving the joint activity of two or more
serempak, serentak, sederum
in unison
     at the same pitch
00063630-r (4)
serempak, serentak
all told, altogether, in all
     with everything included or counted
00461834-r (2)
sekaligus, serempak, serentak, unta, sederum
all together, all at once
     all at the same time
02378496-a (8)
serempak, serentak, bersamaan
simultaneous, concurrent, cooccurring, coincident, coincidental, coinciding, co-occurrent
     occurring or operating at the same time
00240343-r (4)
serempak, serentak, sederum
in unison, in chorus
     speaking or singing at the same time; simultaneously


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