Results for « sebaliknya » (ind)
06288024-n (2)
berlawanan, bertentangan, sebaliknya, antonim
opposite, antonym, opposite word
     kata yang menyatakan makna bertentangan dengan arti kata lain
00170412-r (13)
bahkan, sebaliknya, malah
on the contrary, to the contrary, contrarily, contrariwise
     contrary to expectations
00113082-r (15)
selain, sebaliknya, berlainan
differently, otherwise, other than
     in another and different manner
00078050-r (5)
     dengan cara yang berlawanan
00119578-r (31)
on the other hand, then again, but then, but, yet, still, however, conversely, OTOH, vice versa., looking at it the other way
     from another point of view
00018302-r (73)
juga, rada-rada, seelok-eloknya, sebaik-baiknya, sebaliknya, agak
rather, sort of, kind of, kinda
     to some (great or small) extent
00063172-r (44)
instead, or else, alternatively, in lieu of
     in place of, or as an alternative to
kebalikan, inversi, berlawanan, lawan, berhadapan, bertentangan, sebaliknya
opposite, inverse
     something inverted in sequence or character or effect


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