Results for « reason » (eng)
09178999-n (87)
reason, ground      a rational motive for a belief or action
05651680-n (5)
reason, intellect, understanding      the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination
14379829-n (1)
reason, reasonableness, rationality      the state of having good sense and sound judgment
00634472-v (36)
conclude, reason, reason out      decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion
05611302-n (134)
mind, head, brain, psyche, nous, intelligence, wit, intellect, reason      that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason
reason      a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion
00632627-v (1)
V1, V2
reason      think logically
06740402-n (11)
cause, grounds, reason      a justification for something existing or happening
06739990-n (29)
reason      an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon
00772189-v (36)
argue, reason      present reasons and arguments


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