Results for « pusingan » (ind)
00345454-n (1)
pusing, pusingan, giliran, putaran
turn, twist
     turning or twisting around (in place)
15292069-n (2)
pusingan, giliran
tour, spell, turn, go, stint
     a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)
00306900-n (2)
peringkat, tahap, pusingan, paras
stage, leg
     a section or portion of a journey or course
00350030-n (8)
pusing, pusingan, giliran, belokan, putaran
turn, turning
     the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course
00295172-n (2)
pusingan, bulatan
circle, lap, circuit
     movement once around a course
07341038-n (1)
ayunan, pusingan, osilasi, putaran
cycle, oscillation
     a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon
00457382-n (4)
pusingan, giliran, permainan
turn, play
     [in game] the activity of doing something in an agreed succession
makan angin, pusing, pusingan, giliran, putaran
     taking a short walk out and back
00343249-n (1)
putar, pusingan, pusaran, putaran
twist, spin, twirl, twisting, whirl
     the act of rotating rapidly
07342495-n (2)
     a periodically repeated sequence of events
15255804-n (18)
inning, frame
     [in baseball] one of nine divisions of play during which each team has a turn at bat
00342028-n (3)
rotasi, kisaran, pusingan, pusaran, putaran, perputaran
rotation, rotary motion
     the act of rotating as if on an axis
08377332-n (2)
pusingan, putaran
     a series of poems or songs on the same theme
07440979-n (1)
kisaran, pusingan, putaran, revolusi
gyration, rotation, revolution
     a single complete turn (axial or orbital)
15256714-n (1)
pertandingan, pusingan, giliran, ronde
bout, turn, round
     [in sport] a division during which one team is on the offensive
00346532-n (1)
liku, pusingan, giliran, belokan, putaran, selekoh
     the act of turning away or in the opposite direction
berliku-liku, pemusingan, pusingan, pemintalan, putaran, pemutaran
twist, wind, winding
     the act of winding or twisting
07351612-n (1)
pertukaran, putar, perubahan, pusing, pusingan, giliran, putaran
turn, turning
     a movement in a new direction
15287830-n (7)
rotasi, pusingan, putaran
cycle, round, rhythm
     an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs


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