Results for « perwakilan » (ind)
delegasi, penugasan, perutusan, perwakilan
relegation, delegating, delegation, relegating, deputation
     authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions
lukisan, delegasi, representasi, gambaran, perantaraan, perwakilan, wakil
delegacy, agency, representation
     kondisi sebagai delegasi resmi dan atau agen resmi
08401248-n (20)
cawangan, dahan, perwakilan, cabang, ranting
branch, subdivision, arm
     a division of some larger or more complex organization
utusan, pesuruh, duta, perwakilan, wakil
envoy, emissary
     someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else
01217499-n (1)
lukisan, representasi, gambaran, perwakilan, wakil
     the act of representing; standing in for someone or some group and speaking with authority in their behalf
08402442-n (1)
delegasi, kedutaan, badan perwakilan, perutusan, komisi, perwakilan, misi
delegation, delegacy, mission, commission, deputation
     a group of representatives or delegates
utusan, perwakilan
envoy, envoy extraordinary, minister plenipotentiary
     a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador
10522035-n (8)
representatif, perwakilan, wakil
     a person who represents others


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