Results for « perhubungan » (ind)
13930385-n (7)
pertalian, hubungan, persatuan, ikatan, asosiasi, afiliasi, perhubungan
tie, affiliation, association, tie-up
     hubungan bisnis atau sosial
13780719-n (25)
keterkaitan, pertalian, hubungan, ikatan, perhubungan
relationship, human relationship
     a relation between people
13841651-n (9)
korelasi, pertalian, hubungan, berhubungan, kaitan, perhubungan
correlation, correlativity
     a reciprocal relation between two or more things
pertalian, hubungan, kaitan, perhubungan
link, data link
     an interconnecting circuit between two or more locations for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data
sambung, pertalian, hubungan, rangkai, kaitan, perhubungan
connection, connexion, link
     a connecting shape
13792692-n (5)
pertalian, hubungan, penghubung, ikatan, kaitan, perhubungan
link, nexus
     cara hubungan antara titik dalam sambungan seri
     support that enables people to survive or to continue doing something (often by providing an essential connection)
pertalian, hubungan, kaitan, perhubungan
joining, connection, connexion
     the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)
13792842-n (1)
komunikasi, perhubungan
     a connection allowing access between persons or places
00031921-n (23)
sangkutan, pertalian, hubungan, perpautan, wasilah, perhubungan
relation, connection, link, relationship
     an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
06261260-n (2)
pertalian, hubungan, kaitan, perhubungan
contact, liaison, link, inter-group communication
     a channel for communication between groups
06252138-n (27)
penyampaian, komunikasi, perhubungan
communication, communicating
     the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information
07134575-n (3)
communion, sharing
     sharing thoughts and feelings
00315986-n (25)
pindahan, transportasi, penukaran, pengangkutan, transfer, pengalihan, pemindahan, perhubungan
transfer, transportation, transport, transferral, conveyance
     the act of moving something from one location to another
hubungan, kaitan, perhubungan
     mutual dealings or connections among persons or groups
07134445-n (1)
intercourse, social intercourse
     communication between individuals
14419164-n (11)
koneksi, pertalian, hubungan, perikatan, sambungan, kaitan, tautan, perhubungan, pranala
connection, link, connectedness
     the state of being connected
01081628-n (6)
hubungan, persatuan, kaitan, perhubungan
     the act of consorting with or joining with others
13928388-n (9)
pertalian, hubungan, ikatan, kaitan, relasi, perhubungan
     a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection)
13792183-n (6)
kontrak, pertalian, hubungan, perikatan, ikatan, perhubungan
bond, alliance
     a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest


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