Results for « perhatian » (ind)
14433769-n (1)
perhatian, pusat perhatian, tumpuan
spotlight, glare, limelight, public eye
     fokus perhatian publik
00829378-n (3)
perwalian, perhatian, amanah, kepedulian, perawatan, ongkos, penjagaan, asuhan, pemeliharaan
charge, care, guardianship, tutelage, protection
     attention and management implying responsibility for safety
01135529-n (6)
penyeliaan, pengawas, perhatian, pengawasan
supervision, oversight, supervising, superintendence
     management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group
05703429-n (4)
kepatuhan, pengamatan, pendapat, pencerapan, perhatian, teguran, catatan
notice, observation, observance
     the act of noticing or paying attention
05853636-n (4)
minat, perhatian
     a general interest that leads people to want to know more
05192451-n (21)
minat, kepentingan, faedah, perhatian
interest, interestingness
     the power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.)
05820170-n (19)
hal, pertimbangan, penghargaan, perhatian, hubungan, menghormat, berhubungan
respect, regard
     a detail or point
00654885-n (20)
jaga, rawatan, perhatian, kepedulian, layanan, pertolongan, bantuan, tumpuan, penjagaan, heran
attention, care, tending, aid
     the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something
05703803-n (1)
perhatian, prihatin
     polite or favorable attention
13286801-n (9)
minat, kepentingan, faedah, perhatian
interest, stake
     [in law] a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something
04664058-n (3)
berhati-hati, kewaspadaan, perhatian
caution, carefulness, cautiousness
     the trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger
01228645-n (4)
     a courteous act indicating affection
07225167-n (3)
perhatian, amaran, teguran
caution, caveat
     a warning against certain acts
05143077-n (42)
minat, kepentingan, faedah, keuntungan, perhatian
interest, sake
     a reason for wanting something done
05682950-n (63)
minat, kepentingan, faedah, perhatian
interest, involvement
     a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something
05650579-n (2)
     the faculty or power of mental concentration
pengamatan, pendapat, cerapan, pencerapan, perhatian, ulasan, pengawasan
     explicit notice
06767035-n (1)
pengamatan, pendapat, pencerapan, perhatian, teguran, catatan
observation, reflection, reflexion
     a remark expressing careful consideration
05702275-n (56)
ingatan, perhatian
attention, attending
     the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others
05615869-n (7)
berhati-hati, kewaspadaan, perhatian, kepedulian
care, caution, precaution, forethought
     judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger
00644503-n (95)
perhatian, tinjauan, pengajian, kajian, pelajaran
study, survey
     a detailed critical inspection


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