Results for « penghormatan » (ind)
02457233-v (11)
tinjau-meninjau, penghormatan, meninjau, kehormatan, mencamkan, menghormat, bertinjau-tinjauan, membelek, mematuhi, memantau, mengawasi, mengajuk, menonton, menghormati
respect, observe, honor, honour, abide by
     show respect towards
04869106-n (3)
harga diri, penghargaan, penghormatan, kehormatan
honor, honour
     the quality of being honorable and having a good name
14436875-n (5)
kemasyhuran, harga diri, penghargaan, penghormatan, kehormatan
honor, honour, laurels
     the state of being honored
ketulusan, penghormatan, kesucian, ketulenan, kebersihan, kehormatan, keaslian, kecerahan, kejernihan
honor, honour, purity, pureness
     a woman's virtue or chastity
penghargaan, penghormatan, keseganan
veneration, reverence, awe, fear
     a feeling of profound respect for someone or something
01778568-v (3)
menyanjung, menjunjung, memuja, penghormatan, gentar, menjunjung tinggi, menghormati
revere, reverence, venerate, fear
     regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of
06697195-n (6)
penghargaan, penghormatan, tanda penghargaan
tribute, testimonial
     something given or done as an expression of esteem
06696483-n (21)
harga diri, penghargaan, penghormatan, kehormatan
honor, award, laurels, honour, accolade
     a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
02546075-v (30)
menghadiahkan, menganugerahi, penghormatan, kehormatan, mengganjar, menghormati
honor, reward, honour
     bestow honor or rewards upon
penghormatan, hormat
court, homage
     respectful deference
melunaskan, penghormatan, kehormatan, menyerikan, menghormati
honor, honour
     accept as pay


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