Results for « penghargaan » (ind)
06688274-n (8)
penghargaan, pujian, pengakuan, akuan
credit, recognition
penghargaan, menghormat, anggapan, pandangan, hormat
regard, respect, deference, consideration, fealty
     a feeling of friendship and esteem
01228877-n (2)
penghargaan, menghormat
respect, deference
     a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard
14437552-n (7)
takzim, penghargaan, kehormatan, menghormat, anggapan, pandangan, respek, hormat
respect, esteem, regard
     kondisi menjadi dihormati (dimuliakan atau dihormati atau dipandang baik)
05702726-n (3)
penghargaan, hirau, menghiraukan
regard, heed, attentiveness, paying attention
     paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people)
05806623-n (9)
anggaran, penghargaan, pemahaman, pengetahuan
appreciation, hold, grasp
     understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something
penghargaan, penghormatan, keseganan
veneration, reverence, awe, fear
     a feeling of profound respect for someone or something
01211667-n (4)
kesenangan, penghargaan, penghiburan, kelegaan
comfort, consolation, solace
     the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction
04869106-n (3)
harga diri, penghargaan, penghormatan, kehormatan
honor, honour
     the quality of being honorable and having a good name
07500741-n (8)
penghargaan, hormat
admiration, esteem, appreciation, worship, adoration, approval, reverence, wonder
     perasaan senang dan menyukai
05820170-n (19)
hal, pertimbangan, penghargaan, perhatian, hubungan, menghormat, berhubungan
respect, regard
     a detail or point
06697195-n (6)
penghargaan, penghormatan, tanda penghargaan
tribute, testimonial
     something given or done as an expression of esteem
06696483-n (21)
harga diri, penghargaan, penghormatan, kehormatan
honor, award, laurels, honour, accolade
     a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
06693198-n (6)
puji, penghargaan, pujian, sanjungan, tahniah
praise, congratulations, kudos, extolment
     an expression of approval and commendation
14436875-n (5)
kemasyhuran, harga diri, penghargaan, penghormatan, kehormatan
honor, honour, laurels
     the state of being honored
06630627-n (1)
penghargaan, salam
regard, wish, compliments
     a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare
13268146-n (14)
anugerah, penghargaan, ganjaran, hadiah, pemberian
prize, award
     sesuatu yang diberikan untuk kemenangan dalam kontes atau kompetisi
06206800-n (5)
penghargaan, menghormat, anggapan, pandangan, respek, hormat
respect, regard, esteem
     an attitude of admiration or esteem


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