Results for « penentang » (ind)
10303654-n (1)
penyeleweng, bertahan, penentang
rebel, maverick
     someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action
10210137-n (3)
pemberontak, penentang
rebel, insurgent, insurrectionist, freedom fighter
     a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)
pembangkang, pembantah, penentang
demonstrator, protester
     someone who participates in a public display of group feeling
10055847-n (23)
oposisi, musuh, lawan, penentang, seteru
foe, enemy, opposition, foeman
     [in military] an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force)
09773245-n (13)
pembangkang, antagonis, pihak lawan, musuh, lawan, penentang, seteru
antagonist, opponent, adversary, opposer, resister
     someone who offers opposition
10379620-n (4)
pihak lawan, musuh, lawan, penentang
opponent, opposition, opposite
     a contestant that you are matched against
dissentient, dissenting, dissident
     disagreeing, especially with a majority
     an opponent who resists with force or resolution
10533013-n (8)
penantang, pelawan, pesaing, lawan, saingan, tandingan, peserta, penentang
competitor, rival, competition, challenger, contender
     the contestant you hope to defeat
09831856-n (1)
bad guy
     orang yang tidak berada di pihak anda
10018021-n (1)
pembangkang, pembantah, penentang
dissenter, contestant, protester, dissident, objector
     a person who dissents from some established policy


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