Results for « pendirian » (ind)
05872477-n (7)
pendirian, prinsip, pegangan
     a basic truth or law or assumption
05913538-n (16)
undang-undang, peraturan, pendirian, prinsip, asas, pegangan, dasar
principle, rule
     a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct
pendirian, pembinaan, penegakan
erecting, erection
     the act of building or putting up
pendirian, sikap
attitude, trim, orientation
     position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion)
00806314-v (4)
pendirian, berabonemen, mendukung, menyembat, melambuk, menyangga
support, subscribe
     adopt as a belief
05079866-n (35)
kedudukan, gaya, keadaan, lagak, pendirian, perawakan, sikap
position, attitude, posture
     the arrangement of the body and its limbs
04620216-n (11)
sifat, aksara, pendirian, watak, serabut, perwatakan, fiber, huruf, digit, gentian, Karakter
character, fiber, fibre
     the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions
02611373-v (53)
kedudukan, pendirian, menahan
     be in some specified state or condition
05793210-n (5)
rasional, pendirian, prinsip, alasan, kewajaran, asas, pegangan, dasar
rationale, principle
     [in law] an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature)
00755863-n (1)
pendirian, sikap
     a theatrical pose created for effect
05955323-n (9)
pendirian, prinsip, asas, pegangan, dasar
principle, tenet
     a rule or standard especially of good behavior
06783265-n (1)
pendapat, pendirian, pandangan, posisi, segi
side, position
     an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute
06655388-n (2)
ajaran, pendirian, prinsip, asas, pegangan, dasar
principle, precept
     rule of personal conduct
05849284-n (24)
sifat, ciri, aksara, pendirian, watak, huruf, digit
character, quality, lineament
     a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something


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