Results for « pelik » (ind)
desakan, ganjil, pelik, aneh
impulsive, capricious, whimsical, arbitrary
     determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
00488187-a (15)
tersendiri, teristimewa, luar biasa, pelik, khas, unik, istimewa
special, particular, exceptional, especial
     surpassing what is common or usual or expected
00035491-r (7)
ganjil, pelik, aneh
curiously, oddly, peculiarly
     in a manner differing from the usual or expected
ganjil, pelik, aneh, anehnya
oddly, queerly, strangely, funnily
     dengan cara yang aneh
00017024-a (2)
nadir, jarang, pelik
     tidak secara luas terdistribusi
02570643-a (6)
lucu, absurd, ganjil, mustahil, konyol, pelik, karut
ridiculous, preposterous, absurd, cockeyed, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, idiotic, derisory, foolish, incongruous, inconsistent, irrational
     incongruous; inviting ridicule
00967646-a (8)
ganjil, pelik, aneh, istimewa, ajaib
fantastic, grotesque, antic, fantastical
     ludicrously odd
gila, pelik, sasau
buggy, balmy, dotty, haywire, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, cracked, crackers, daft, fruity, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, around the bend, wacky, whacky
     informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
01265308-a (17)
menggelikan hati, lucu, jenaka, komik, pelik, kelakar, lawak, menggelikan, komedi
funny, comic, amusing, comical, laughable, mirthful, risible, ludicrous
     arousing or provoking laughter
00968010-a (43)
ganjil, pelik, aneh, ajaib
curious, peculiar, funny, queer, odd, singular, rum, rummy, unusual, eccentric, strange
     beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
09974496-n (1)
gila, pelik
crackpot, screwball, crank, nut, fruitcake, nut case
     a whimsically eccentric person
ganjil, pelik, aneh
     strikingly odd or unusual
00664449-a (13)
luar biasa, pelik, aneh, ingin tahu
     eager to investigate and learn or learn more (sometimes about others' concerns)
00488857-a (1)
luar biasa, ganjil, pelik, aneh
     not commonly encountered
00967129-a (42)
helat, nadir, luar biasa, garib, ganjil, pelik, aneh, asing, ajaib
strange, unusual
     tidak lalu di akal
00605406-a (6)
pelik, kekok
     causing inconvenience
pelik, aneh
     characteristic of a freak
09909060-n (11)
akhlak, kes, pelaku, sifat, tokoh, ciri, budi, jenis, pelik, cara, tabiat, eksentrik, hero, perkara, pekerti
type, character, case, eccentric
     a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)
ganjil, pelik, aneh
     markedly different from the usual
00192768-r (1)
ganjil, pelik
     in a weird manner
00488561-a (6)
nadir, jarang, pelik, langka
     not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness
buffoonish, clownish, clownlike, zany
     like a clown
10042845-n (3)
pelik, aneh, eksentrik
eccentric, flake, eccentric person, oddball, geek
     a person with an unusual or odd personality
00608791-a (6)
ganjil, pelik, aneh, eksentrik, ajaib
eccentric, bizarre, freakish, freaky, flaky, flakey, gonzo, off-the-wall, outlandish, outre
     conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
01067538-a (2)
nadir, jarang, pelik
     recurring only at long intervals


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