Results for « negara » (ind)
08168978-n (125)
negeri, republik, negara, bangsa
country, nation, state, commonwealth, land, res publica, body politic
     a politically organized body of people under a single government
08137738-n (9)
keadaan, negara
Department of State, State Department, United States Department of State, State, DoS
     the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies
08644722-n (14)
negeri, kawasan, negara, pedesaan, desa, rantau, kampung
country, rural area
     an area outside of cities and towns
state line, state boundary
     the boundary between two states
08166552-n (24)
negeri, negara, rakyat, tanah air, bangsa
country, nation, land
     the people who live in a nation or country
02988060-a (46)
negara, kebangsaan
     of or relating to or belonging to a nation or country
08654360-n (112)
negeri, kawasan, negara, daerah, negara bagian, provinsi, propinsi, wilayah
state, province
     the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation
08630039-n (80)
kawasan, negara, daerah, bagian, wilayah, rantau, tempat
region, part
     the extended spatial location of something
keadaan, negara, menyatakan
     suatu kondisi depresi atau terhasut
14514805-n (10)
kekaisaran, negeri, kerajaan, negara, dunia, bidang, ranah
realm, land, kingdom
     suatu ranah di mana sesuatu bersifat dominan
00024720-n (39)
keadaan, negara, menyatakan
     the way something is with respect to its main attributes
08178547-n (24)
keadaan, negara, negara bagian, menyatakan
     the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state
01861776-a (5)
negara, nasional, kebangsaan
     owned or maintained for the public by the national government
negara, Carry Amelia Moore Nation, Carry Nation, Nation, rakyat, bangsa
Nation, Carry Nation, Carry Amelia Moore Nation
     United States prohibitionist who raided saloons and destroyed bottles of liquor with a hatchet (1846-1911)
01862161-a (1)
     supported and operated by the government of a state
negara, setempat
     produced in a particular country
01038332-a (6)
negara, nasional, kebangsaan, dalam negeri
national, internal, interior, home
     inside the country
08544813-n (36)
negeri, keadaan, kawasan, negara, daerah, tanah, menyatakan, tanah air, rantau, bangsa
country, land, state
     the territory occupied by a nation
01567862-a (17)
negara, nasional, kebangsaan
     limited to or in the interests of a particular nation
01105840-a (6)
negara, nasional, kebangsaan
     concerned with or applicable to or belonging to an entire nation or country


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