Results for « nakhoda » (ind)
09893344-n (5)
nakhoda, juragan, kapten
chieftain, captain
     the leader of a group of people
09892831-n (14)
nakhoda, juragan, kapten
captain, skipper
     [in military] the naval officer in command of a military ship
nakhoda, kapten
captain, senior pilot
     the pilot in charge of an airship
09893015-n (12)
nakhoda, kapten
captain, police chief, police captain
     a policeman in charge of a precinct
nakhoda, kapten
captain, headwaiter, maitre d'hotel, maitre d'
     kepala ruang makan bertanggung jawab atas pelayan dan susunan duduk pelanggan
10298912-n (6)
nakhoda, juragan, kapten
captain, master, skipper, sea captain
     an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship
09893191-n (16)
nakhoda, kapten
     [in military] an officer holding a rank below a major but above a lieutenant


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