Results for « lebur » (ind)
00444629-v (3)
V1, V2
mencair, membuyarkan, meleleh, hidup, buyar, memasang, lebur, meluik, melumer, mengalir, turun, mencairkan, cair
melt, run, melt down
     reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating
menghirap, terbenam, mencair, berbenam, hilang, raib, menghilang, lebur, amblas, meluik, tenggelam, mencairkan, melarutkan
melt, disappear, evaporate
     become less intense and fade away gradually
lebur, cair
liquid, melted, liquified
     changed from a solid to a liquid state
00376106-v (8)
V1, V2
mencair, membubarkan, lebur, meluik, melarut, mencairkan, larut, melarutkan, cair
thaw, melt, unthaw, unfreeze, dissolve, dethaw
     become or cause to become soft or liquid
01506526-a (3)
molten, liquified, liquefied
     reduced to liquid form by heating


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