Results for « ketetapan » (ind)
05054130-n (5)
terus-menerus, kebulatan, ketetapan, penerusan, kesinambungan
persistence, continuity
     the property of a continuous and connected period of time
05838176-n (40)
kepastian, keputusan, penetapan, kesimpulan, penentuan, ketetapan, kata putus
conclusion, decision, determination
     a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
terus-menerus, kegigihan, kebulatan, ketabahan, tabah, kesungguhan, ketetapan, ketekunan
perseverance, persistence, perseveration
     the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior
04767347-n (1)
keseragaman, keteraturan, keseimbangan, ketetapan
     the quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate
keazaman, keputusan, kesungguhan, ketetapan, pemutusan, resolusi
finality, conclusiveness, decisiveness
     the quality of being final or definitely settled
00162632-n (25)
keputusan, penetapan, kesimpulan, penentuan, ketetapan, pemutusan, kata putus
decision, determination, conclusion
     the act of making up your mind about something
04865502-n (1)
kerajinan, ketetapan, ketekunan
assiduity, concentration, assiduousness
     great and constant diligence and attention
06743506-n (54)
keputusan, hasil, ketetapan, penyelesaian, akibat, kesan, resolusi
result, answer, solution, resolution, solvent
     a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem
05053215-n (1)
ketetapan, kelangsungan
permanence, permanency
     the property of being able to exist for an indefinite duration
06511874-n (12)
keputusan, peleraian, ketetapan, resolusi
resolution, resolve, declaration
     a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote
04864515-n (6)
kegigihan, kekukuhan, ketabahan, kesungguhan, ketetapan, ketekunan, kengototan
persistency, persistence, tenacity, perseverance, doggedness, tenaciousness, pertinacity
     persistent determination
keputusan, penentuan, ketetapan, kata putus
decision, decisiveness
     the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose


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